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Nature Neem Seed cake

Listing ID #1639726

  • Supply Type Supplier
  • Preferred Buyer Location All over the world

quality : the quality of the neem cake is determined by the amount of oil left in it, and also the process by which the extraction was done. The physical form of the oil neem cake is in powder or....
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  • Member Since 15 Years
  • Nature of Business Retailer
  • Year of Establishment 2005

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quality : the quality of the neem cake is determined by the amount of oil left in it, and also the process by which the extraction was done. The physical form of the oil neem cake is in powder or flakes form.


description of the product

nature neem cake is the residual neem seed meal obtained as residue while extracting neem oil from indian neem seed kernels by cold pressed extraction process. The nature neem cake is used as good organic manure in agriculture and also acts as pest repellent . The high azadirachtin content in nature neem cake helps in  protecting the  crops against parasitic nematodes and as best soil conditioner.


input suitable for organic farming
















content of neem seed cake (on average)

typical analytical results may slightly vary depending upon the batches or production

azadirachtin         : min 1000ppm  (0.1%)                    nimbin                 : min 850 ppm   (0.085%)

salanin                 : min 1500 ppm (0.15%)                   moisture content   : nmt 10 %

nitrogen               : min 4.0%                                      phosphorus          : 3.0%

potassium            : 1.67%                                           carbon                 : 1.2%

sulphur                : 1.2%                                            calcium                : 0.77%

magnesium           : 0.75%


effects of nature neem seed cake on agricultural crop pests

the nature neem seed cake was found to be effective against pests viz.,helicotylenchus erythrina, meliodogne arenaria, meloidogyne incognita, pratylenchus sp, haplolaimus indicus m.javanica (root- knot nematode found in vegetable crops like okra, chilli, french bean, tomato, black gram, green gram, egg plant, etc), parasitic fungi, r.brassica, reniform nematode, rodopholus similis (banana) trylenchor hynchus etc.


applications of nature neem cake in agriculture

the dual activity of nature neem cake as fertilizer and pest repellent, has made it a favored input. It is widely used to fertilize cash crops. When it is ploughed into the soil it also protects plant roots from nematodes , white ants and other soil insects.


different forms of nature neem

nature neem cake comes in granule form and pellet form and unsurpassed effectiveness is established with the granules form and hobby gardeners can go for the nature cake pellet forms.


how to use

· during the first ploughing apply 250-400 kg of nature neem seed cake per hectare as soil application

· and subsequently 50-60kgs as per the crops need

· apply 1 kg for plots of 10 to 15 sq. Metre.

· neem cake can also be mixed with soil and apply on and around the roots of the plants, vegetables, bushes and trees, will have a remarkable result in the improvement of the plant immunity.

·  neem cake can be applied safely in all cultures, fruit-bearing, garden products, melon, cotton, vineyard and flowers.


performance of nature neem seed cake with other fertilizers

enhancing results were obtained by mixing nature neem cake with other organic fertilizers like seaweed kelp, farmyard manure, peat moss, organic humates, (fulvic, humic acids), bat guano, cow bio, chicken bio, seed meals, like castor, groundnut, cotton, and mixing with inorganic nitrogen fertilizers like urea and other complex fertilizers can be used for controlled slow release of nitrogen to the plants.


mechanism of  action

· neem seed cake is improving the general appearance of fruits & vegetables and  increasing the leaf age, growth,blossoming and  strengthening the roots

· when  mixing with any nitrogenous fertilisers, it slows the conversion of nitrogenous compounds into nitrogen gas , thus making nitrogen available to the plants for a longer duration.

· due to its lack or imbalance of nutritious and trace element it prevents and treats ailment disorders of plants

· it accelerates root development and overall plant growth and protects the plant from nematodes and white ants.

· it is a totally organic plant food which increases productivity and soil fertility.

· it has antifungal properties and highly suitable for application in greenhouses.


effect of neem cake on various crops

orange: controlling citrus nematodes

tomato: controlling tomato seedling nematodes

: controlling root-knot nematodes

rice (coated with urea): increasing nitrogen uptake by slow release of fertilizer urea.


precautions of storage

nature neem seed cake can safely stored in cool dry place. Prolonged storage especially in moist area enhances certain parasitic activity such as fungus. Certain insects have also been reported to multiply in the stored products.

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Who are we ?
Nature Neem is a private company engaged in the promotion and sales of different bio products and the inputs that are used in the production of different bio products. It also acts as an association of like-minded people who believe that nature sustains the solution for all environment problems faced by human beings.
How it was found
Nature Neem was found by a group of elite farmers and producers of bio products from South India who wished to market their products directly to their national and international buyers. The company then also turned out to be a media for a other producers farmers, the partner members who wished to markete their product using the nature neem brand name. The philosophy was a grand success as the producers could be able to sell their products almost directly to their customers, thereby preventing the third party brokers or agents.
Thus, Nature Neem is not only a producer but also a successful exporter of different agro products from India. Nature Neem is being authorised by Government of India to export different agro products.
What are the benefits of a customer / buyer
Quality : The company sets strict standards for the different products and its formulations. The products are accepted from its partner members who strictly respect these standards. Experienced technocrats who constitute the technical committee of Nature Neem make repeated visits during the production and the formulation of the product. Strict quality control is thus assured. The products are also verified, tested and certified by the technical committee members of Nature Neem before the despatch.
Price : The farmer producers registered in the partner programme fix the selling price of the products during each season. As no middle agents are involved, the price is much cheaper than the existing market price. Experienced technocrats of Nature neem also involve in formulating the different products as per the demands of its customers. The member-producers thus market their products directly in the name of Nature neem at a reasonable price. All transactions and processing of orders will be done in the name of Nature neem, which guarantees the buyers for a quality product supplied at the expected time.
Our major objectives
To promote cooperative activities among producers of neem and other bio-products.
To promote direct marketing activities of its members to the buyers and to ensure remunerative returns to real producers.
To promote awareness of the different uses of neem and other bio products among the farming community.
To rediscover and diffuse the benefits of neem in the field of traditional Indian medicine.
To educate the end user about the efficient use of neem as a bio-alternative for the existing non-environmental friendly solutions
To promote neem as a solution of soil and ecological problems by various planting programs
How do we achieve
To create direct liaison between the member producers and the buyers based on the demand and supply and to enable them direct marketing without any intermediate agents
By helping the producers of different bio-products to formulate their products as per the demands of the buyer
By fixing grade standards and arranging when necessary for inspection of the bio products produced by its members before marketing and as per the demand of the buyers
By promoting the brand neem “nature neem” for the bio products (especially neem) produced by its members and that strictly respects the prescribed quality standards.
By teaching end-user farmers to prepare neem pesticide formulas and fertilizers for their fields.
By undertaking, assisting or encouraging scientific, technological and economic research of different bio products through one or more research institutes.
By working jointly and collectively with other like-minded organizations such as Neem Association to facilitate linkage development. Network with other NGO's worldwide to popularize neem.
Disseminate neem information, availability and demand through its website,,, and through electronic newsletters
The partner programme
Nature neem now have nearly 75 active producers registered in their partner programme. These farmers producers have very poor skill to market their products. They depended on the middle agents who gain nearly 150 % margin with these type of products. Nature neem thus plays a role to query the marketing demands and liaisons with the supply from its producer-members and markets the products through its brand name “Nature Neem” with a minimum service charge. The partnership programme is open to all public engaged in the production, manufacturing and sales of bio-products, especially neem. The membership is also open equally to environmentally conscious individuals, scientists, researchers, farmers involved in organic agriculture and other like-minded NGO’s. Currently, no subscription fee is collected from its member. If you are interested by our association, please send us an email to, describing about yourself and your activities.
Nature Neem—About us
If you are a farmer who produce bio products or engaged in organic agriculture or a producer of Neem products or still a naturists !
And do you wish to be partner member of this association send us an email to
Tell us about your and your activities in the bio world !
Direct marketing is the secret of our success !
We help our partners to sell their products directly to their customers
Strict Quality Control !
The products are verified and controlled by the technical committee comprising of experienced technocrats
We believe that nature sustains solution for all environmental problem faced by human beings
Other Benefits for the partners
Partners are informed about the recent trends and developments of bio-world. A trimestrial newsletter in English sent to members informs them about the recent trends in the bio-world, new products, new demands, the scope of bio products etc. The members are informed about the national or international marketing demands and help them to sell the products with a meagre service charge. The products produced by the members as per the standards prescribed by the association can be sold by using the brand name nature neem upon paying a nominal charge.
  • Nature of Business Manufacturer / Exporter / Supplier / Retailer
  • Number of Employees Below 20
  • Year of Establishment 2005
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