ON LINE THICKNESS GAUGING SYSTEM The MultiChannel Array Gauge from SolveTech is used to measure the thickness of plastic film and other non conductive materials on the production line. It....
The MultiChannel Array Gauge from SolveTech is used to measure the thickness of plastic film and other non conductive materials on the production line. It accurately delivers a crossweb profile with high precision in real time. Unlike a typical scanning gauge, the MultiChannel has multiple measurement sensing zones that cover the web continuously. The result is a unique offering to the market that has made it the highest performance unit for webs under 60 inches wide. The video below shows a MultiChannel running on a simulated plastic film while continuously running on 19 different channels. FEATURES FAST DATA COLLECTION The MultichannelTM Array Gauge provides extremely fast response, allowing it to sense even brief, transient web variations. Having an array of channels make true profile and product mapping available for the first time. ACCURATE AND RELIABLE Quick response features combined with proprietary Measurement Head design allow the MultichannelTM Array Gauge to provide 100% continuous coverage with excellent accuracy. Accuracies typically range between 0.1% and 1%, depending on the application. REAL-TIME 3D WEB VIEWS The MultichannelTM Array Gauge provides multiple fixed points across the web. The measurement areas are usually contiguous and provide complete coverage with no scanning. The high frequency response allows complete data on your web. RADIATION-FREE Our dielectric-based technology means fast, accurate measurements without the environmental or regulatory concerns associated with nuclear gauges. COVERAGE The MultichannelTM Array Gauge employs a “C” frame design that can measure web widths up to 60″ using two heads. Array elements are contiguous, thereby providing total coverage. FEATURES INCLUDE:
Non-scanning, 100% continuous coverage
Multiple contiguous zones within one unit
No moving parts
C-Frame head styles up to 30″
Easy to read display
Software package for process set-up, monitoring, trouble-shooting/studies, and QC
Menu-driven setup
Rear panel analog output
Model CLC Series non-contact, nuclear-free Measurement Head