Multi Grade Filter is used for removal of suspended solids & turbidity from water & wastewater. We, EESS offer series of filters at a low cost, reliable and highly efficient way to filter your....
Multi Grade Filter is used for removal of suspended solids & turbidity from water & wastewater. We, EESS offer series of filters at a low cost, reliable and highly efficient way to filter your water.
Salient Features
Simple design maximizes reliability and efficiency
Multi layers of filtration media
Filtration rating up to 5 � 20 Microns
Standard and effective quartz sand media.
FRP, MSRL, MSEP & SS Vessels are available.
Manual, Semi-Automatic and Automatic features are provided
Pre-assembled construction minimizes start-up time and installation costs
Structural steel legs provide rigid support of vessel for safety
Air scouring available for high flow pressure vessel.
Proven design of internal distribution and collection system.
Efficient Turbidity and TSS Removal
High filtration rate
Filtration efficiency is up to 2.0 ppm suspended particles
Easy operation & maintenance
Wide range in material of construction
Economical way of production & design
Low Energy requirement
Can accommodate seasonal fluctuations in flow rate
Long filter cycles between backwashing with minimum loss of pressure.