NosepieceQuadruple revolving nosepiece with positive centering & click stops.
illuminationPlano concave mirror diameter 50 mm gimble mount.
StandStable and Robust, assembled from Aluminum DIE-CAST parts.
FocussingSeparate knobs are provided for coarse and fine focusing adjustments Coarse adjustment can be made through Rack-Pinion and fine movement by screw lever mechanism having a graduated knob on the right side
BodyMonocular tube inclinable up to 900, Mechanical Tube length 160 mm.
CondenserBright field, Abbe N.A. 1.25 with iris diaphragm and swing out filter holder can be moved through rack pinionThe condenser unit incorporates high efficiency optical system for optimum utilization of light from low to high magnification
StageBuilt in horizontal graduated mechanical stage size 120×120 mm with convenient adjustment for slide manipulation upto 40×75 mm.