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Contact Supplierwhen steam/air is passed through the separator, any entrained water droplets are encouraged to separate and drain away rather than remain in suspension. Steam or air flows around a series of baffles and its velocity is reduced because the space in the separator is large compared with the pipe bore. However the inertia of water droplets carries them on in a straight line so they impinge on the baffles and drain away. The baffles are designed to divert separated water from the flow of steam or air. Together with reduced velocity this prevents re-entrainment.
water in suspension- your invisible enemyall steam distribution systems contains a certain amount of water due to condensation and carry-over from boiler turbulence and foaming. A similar problem arises with compressed air systems because water is a natural ingredient of atmospheric air. In both cases, careful draining and trapping will remove much of the water but not all. It cannot remove the water particles suspended in the steam or air. All too often nothing is done to remedy this problem. Because the water cannot be seen it is ignored. The consequences can be very costly indeed.
the damaging effects of water in steam systemswhen water droplets reach the point of usage they needlessly increase thickness of the water film on the heat exchange surface. And water is a very poor conductor of heat. In fact, a water film just 1mm thick is as resistant to heat transfer as a half meter thickness of copper. The water may also carry impurities which will be deposited as scale – another barrier to efficient heat transfer. What’s more, traveling at high velocity, the droplets will both erode and corrode valves and valve seat and shorten the life of pipelines and fittings.
suspended water droplets cause similar problems. Pipe, valve and fittings will corrode. Particles of corroded metal may be swept along the system, clogging valves, strainers and traps. At the point of usage, water delivered with air can damage work pieces. Air powered tools will require excessive maintenance and will wear prematurely.
design features / benefitsrex separatiors safeguard your costly equipment
rex separators will protect your costly equipment from harmful effects of water droplets, because they remove water droplets from steam or compressed air system and increase operating profitability by: