INDICATIONSIn Skin allergic reactions such as psoriasis, Dermatitis and Rash. Swelling, Itching and redness of scalp, Seborrheic dermatitis, Outer ear eczema ,Otitis externa.
SIDE EFFECTSMild itching in the skin, Burning sensation, Peeling or dryness of the skin, Thinning or softening of your skin, Swollen hair follicles, occurrence of Blisters, Pimples on the skin, Swelling of the mouth, Skin reactions, headache
INDICATIONSIn Skin allergic reactions such as psoriasis, Dermatitis and Rash. Swelling, Itching and redness of scalp, Seborrheic dermatitis, Outer ear eczema ,Otitis externa.
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