Metasterk helps to suppress the population of various pests like White grubs, Weevils, Leaf hoppers, Plant hoppers, Borers and Leaf eating caterpillars etc.,
Spore Metarhizium anisopliae produces an appressorium after affecting to the insect body penetrate inside through insect cuticle and produces antibiotics distruxin A, B, C, D, and E.
Application Method:
Seed Treatment: Mix 100 ml of Metasterk with 4% Jaggery or any biological sticking agent solution. Mix the seeds required for 1 acre uniformly and dry it in shade.
Seedling Root Dip: Mix 500 ml with required quantity of water & dip 1 acre seedling's root portion for 15 minutes.
Field Application: Mix 1000 ml of Metasterk with Bio compost or deoiled cakes & broadcast in the acre.
Foliar Spray: Dilute 5ml of Metasterk with 1 liter water required for one acre based on the foliage
intensity and spray.
Drip Irrigation: 1 lit. Metasterk for 1 acre apply through drip.
Method of Application: Mix Metasterk in 200 liter water & add 2 kg Jaggery (gul) in it. Keep it overnight.
Spray in the evening after 24 hours.
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