Thermal StabilityBetween - 10% and + 60% ambient temperature
Ash, Volatile and Water1.5%
Size Grading10% below 0.10mm, 5% above 3.15 mm, 85% between 0.10 mm and 3.15 mm
In the past, engineers relied on technology, related to generally available minerals, to design the earthing systems for various applications like power stations, buildings, rallways, industrial complexes, water & gas plants etc. These earthing systems required presence of water to maintain.
In the late 19™ century Marconite® was specifically developed to meet the requirement of all type of earthing applications but without the need of water it. It is electrically conductive black granular, used as backfill material to enhance the effectiveness of the earth to achieve durable, stable and low resistance performing earthing solutions for all types of soil and difficult ground conditions.
Marconite® conducts electricity much the same way as metals, through the movement of
electrons. It does not require water to conduct electricity and is not affected by dryness like other ionic based earthing materials such as Bentonite, Charcoal etc. which always require the presence of an effective electrolyte else they dry out and do not conduct electricity.
Marconite® conductive concrete is one of the most suitable materials for treatment of soil. Electrical engineers have been using it to tackle the toughest soil conditions so as to achieve Satisfactory earthing solutions throughout the World for over 50 years.