Malabar paratha, the very name itself makes the mouth water. We are considered the prime manufacturers of Malabar Paratha. Risola recipes will be lead to the traditional Malabar flat bread taste.....
Malabar paratha, the very name itself makes the mouth water. We are considered the prime manufacturers of Malabar Paratha. Risola recipes will be lead to the traditional Malabar flat bread taste. The Malabar paratha manufactured by us is widely acclaimed by the customers for its yummy taste and high quality. Ingredients
Refined Wheat Flour
Toned Milk
Vegetable Oil
Raising Agent E-500
Product Weight : 60 Gm
Best Price : FOB -- Depending on variety & quantity required
Delivery period : Depending on country
Packing : Bulk ,Tray, or own brand packing Depending on orders, (300 gm 1kg,2kg,5kg)