Features : Maintain sample temperature-sample never leaves the enclosed liquid nitrogen bath Single/Dual grinding and cooling chambers allow you to pre- cool and grind samples....
Maintain sample temperature-sample never leaves the enclosed liquid nitrogen bath
Single/Dual grinding and cooling chambers allow you to pre- cool and grind samples simultaneously.
Heat sensitive metabolites, isomers and complex molecules retain their composition as they are not degraded by heat or pressure.
Vial reaches -100°C in 1 minute- 4 ½ minutes to -196°C.
Touch screen interface for flexibility and maintenance free design.
Interconnectivity to a PC and /or the Web Via a USB Port-can download programs and factory trouble shooting anywhere in the world can store upto 10 grinding protocols.
Specifications :
Control : Colour Touch Panel removable from unit.
Programme: 10 User defined grinding protocols in Memory.
Interface: USB interface to connect to PC.
Safety Interlocks: The system will not function if the lid is open.
LN2 capacity : 4-5 Lit for initial fill. Top up will be required approx 3-6 lit/hr.
LN2 Safety cut off :System shuts down if Liquid Nitrogen level insufficient.
Dimensions 3: 0 cm x 32 cm x 23 cm.
Weight: 8.2 kg gross.
Rating : CE Approved
Applications :
FORENSIC/DNA/RNA Extraction: Bone, Teeth, Hair, Skeletal Material- recent or ancient, plant and animal tissues, leaves etc.
Pharmaceutical Analysis/Drug Testing: Heat sensitive metabolites, isomers and complex. Volatile Compounds: Insures retention of volatile compounds.
Medical Research: Pulverizing fresh sterilized bone to produce bone cement, grind implant materials for toxicity testing, tissue homogenization.
WEEE/RoHS: Embrittles samples to improve breaking properties, avoid frictional heat, while ensuring volatile fractions are not adversely affected.
Plastics/Polymers: Cryogenic temperature allows sample preparation for difficult to grind plastics and polymers.