HYDROCHEM 220 L : It is an organic dispersant product to prevent corrosion and scale formation in Boiler.
HYDROCHEM 230 L : It is an oxygen scavenger. Removes boiler water oxygen, stops conjugate cathodic reaction and thus prevents corrosion in boilers operating at low to medium pressure.
HYDROCHEM 250 L : It is mainly a liquid pH booster formulation, containing an organic dispersant and catalytic oxygen scavenger for preventing corrosion and scale formation in boilers.
HYDROCHEM 260 L : It is a single application multifunctional product specially formulated to prevent scale and corrosion related problems in boiler and the product acting as pH booster and it is almost zero TDS chemical.
HYDROCHEM 270 L : It is a liquid formulation designed to control corrosion and scaling. It keeps the condensate return lines corrosion free by forming a protective layer over the metal surface. It is very effective where the return of condensate is in the range of 90%.
HYDROCHEM 275 L : It is a formulation acting as pH booster which also controls scale / corrosion related problems in boiler. The product is uniquely designed as an almost zero TDS product and especially applicable where DM is used as a feed water source.
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