Hot Insulation - Loose woolLeveraging on our industrial expertise, we offer a huge collection of hot insulation products. These products are used in various segments for different insulation....
Hot Insulation - Loose wool Leveraging on our industrial expertise, we offer a huge collection of hot insulation products. These products are used in various segments for different insulation applications. Its prominent features include good thermal resistance, excellent chemical resistance, fine heat resistance and dimensional stability. All the hot and cold insulation products can be customized according to clients’ specifications. Loose wool Application: Loose wool is unbonded wool Used for packing of flanges, valve boxes,automobile mufflers,ovens and many other items of industrial equipments. Service Temperature: Loose wool has a maximum service temperature of 750° C when tested in accordance with DIN 52271. Fire-Safety: Non-combustible when tested in accordance with BS 476 : Part 4 :1970 Thermal conductivity: Loose wool shows remarkably low thermal conductivity values. Moisture: Non-hygroscopic, non-capillary and does not absorb any moisture from the air. Moisture has no effect on the stability of Loose wool. Packing: Loose wool is packed in 40kg HDPE bags. Other packing available on request.