Hard Temp H 402 : A carburising salt containing sodium cyanide and suitable activating agent. The carburising salt is capable of carburising mild steel and alloy case hardening steel upto depth of 2.5 mm. Working Range : 760° to 950° C
Hard Temp F 750 : A salt specially developed for hardening high carbon steel files and medium or low carbon steel rasps. Slight decarburisation on the surfaces of the files can be removed by hardening in Hard Temp F 750. Working Range: 750° to 850° C.
Hard Temp CN2 : A regenerator salt used in Hard Temp CN4 bath.
Hard Temp CN4 : A specially designed base salt for nitriding of carbon steels, high speed steels and other type of alloy steels. Hard Temp CN2 salt is required to regenerate the bath. Working Range : 560° – 570° C.
Additive 408 : An additive used in nitriding baths.
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