We are a trusted Importer of Lead Ores in the market. Most Lead Ores has 10% or less lead in it. Lead Ores, which we offer, are 70 % crushed and concentrated by concentrated froth flotation process.....
We are a trusted Importer of Lead Ores in the market. Most Lead Ores has 10% or less lead in it. Lead Ores, which we offer, are 70 % crushed and concentrated by concentrated froth flotation process. The process begins by roasting of sulfide ores, which resultantly produces a Lead Oxide and a mixture of sulfates and silicates of lead and other metals that were in the ore. The roasting process reduces the Lead Oxide that is present in a coke-fired blast furnace. All this leads to conversion of major part of the lead into its metallic form. Froth floatation process assures the formation of three additional layers among which the top level of metallic layer is of Lead.