Product Description: Lacto-Pup Milk Replacer is designed to provide essential nutrition for during their early stages of life. It closely resembles natural mother’s milk, ensuring optimal growth....
Product Description: Lacto-Pup Milk Replacer is designed to provide essential nutrition for during their early stages of life. It closely resembles natural mother’s milk, ensuring optimal growth and development. Target Animals: Suitable for: Newborn Orphaned Underweight Preparation: Using the scoop provided, add Lacto-Pup Milk Replacer to warm water (allow boiled water to cool before use). Stir until completely dissolved. Allow the mixture to cool until lukewarm (around 38°C or blood temperature). Feeding Equipment: Use proper feeding equipment, such as the Beaphar Feeding Set or Beaphar Feeding Syringes. Ensure the equipment is clean and sterile. Recommended Dilution: The recommended dilution for different weights: For 250g (0.25kg) : Add 7 level scoops to 100ml warm water. For 500g (0.5kg) : Add 160ml per day. For 1000g (1kg) : Add 250ml per day. For 2000g (2kg) : Add 400ml per day. For 5000g (5kg) : Add 900ml per day. Feeding Frequency: Adjust the volume per day based on the ’s weight and age. Split the daily volume across the recommended number of feeds per day. Gradually transition to solid food after the 28th day. Storage: Prepared Lacto-Pup Milk Replacer can be refrigerated for up to 24 hours. Reheat to 38°C or blood temperature before feeding.