The cooling effect of Karunai Kilangu can be a cure for Hypertension.
It is often use as a treatment for piles.
Yam helps to reduce cholesterol levels in blood.
It can even act as an anticoagulant.
Elephant yam can be safely consumed by diabetic people.
Karunai Kilangu helps to maintain the hormonal balance by increasing the estrogen level in women. It can relieve the women from pre-menstrual syndrome as well.
Hemorrhoids patients are also prescribed to have elephant yam.
Powerful antioxidant Vitamin C is present which delays aging.
It is also provided as a medicine for treatment to patients suffering from acute rheumatism.
Irregular bowel movements and constipation can also be cured with its intake.
However, it should be borne in mind that elephant yam is a cooling food. Hence patients suffering from cold, sinus infection or asthma should avoid its intake.
Dose: 5-10gm twice a day or as directed by physician.
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