Bail Kolhu Kachi Ghani Mustard Oil contains high amount of Omega-3 fatty acids which help in fighting against several health disorders like decrease in memory and mental abilities, poor vision, impaired immunity, hypertension, irregular heartbeats, learning disorders and growth retardation in infants, children and pregnant woman.
Bail Kolhu Kachi Ghani Mustard Oil has optimum ratio of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids and a good quantity of Omega-3 fatty acid, which are essential for health and metabolism.
The presence of optimum and healthier ratio of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids in Bail Kolhu Kachi Ghani Mustard Oil reduces the risk of a lot of diseases such as heart attacks, cancer, insulin, resistance, depression, postpartum depression, premature ageing, stroke obesity diabetes, arthritis, asthma, schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s disease and others.
Bail Kolhu Kachi Ghani Mustard Oil has rich amount of allyl isothio cyanate which is antimicrobial, anti-fungal agent and increase the shelf life of oil and pungent smell.
Lowers Cholesterol
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