Preparation of working reagent:All reagents are ready to use
Rapid-malaria JSBI 500 ml
Methylene blue: 4.3 m Mol/L
Sulphuric acid: 1%
Potassium dichromate: 0.5 gms
Phosphate buffer: 0.1 m Mol
Contains polychromating materials, preservatives and stabilizers
Rapid-malaria JSB II 500 ml
Eosin: 4.3 m Mol/L
Phosphate: 0.1 m Mol/L
Contains preservatives and stabilizers
Easyfix 50 ml
Peripheral smear fixative
All reagents are stable between 25 to 30 degree C for 60 months
Rapid-malaria fixative must be stored tight capped away from heat and fire
Rapid-malaria JSB stain are exhausted on prolonged use over 150 smears
Advised to discard rapid-malaria JSB Stain as and when the smear gets lighter stain
Peripheral blood samples on clean glass slides may be collected upon febrile episodes from susceptible patients
Avoid anticoagulated samples
Thin Smear
A drop of blood can be spread with a fine edge spreader
Dry the smear at air and fix it with fixative or rectified spirit within 4 hours
Fixed smear can be stored for longer period without much variation in staining result
Preferable to stain all smears as early as possible
Thick Smears
In mass or conclusive screening it is preferable to prepare thick smears by collecting 1-2 drop of blood on a clean glass slide and spread it to the shape of a coin
Dry at air, add few drops of distilled water to the slide to cover the smears and wait for 1-2 minutes to dehemoglobinized the smear
Carefully remove water and dry at air
Fix the smear
Additional Information
Packaging Details2 x 500 mL per pack kit 16 pack kit in one carton, 23 kg approx weight of carton, Dimension (16 x 16 x 15) inch
Delivery TimeImmediate after receiving payment
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