The percentage output digital display shows on the panel.
It is controlled by mincroproceeor which is responsible for controlling and monitoring of all the functions and features in unit.
Ouput vlues (CUT, COAG, BIPOAR) are remained in the memory after switching offf. These value will be come up to the display at turning other power.
Automatic bipolar output without using foot swtich. (400D, 300D)
Multi monopolar outlets can be used for two hand control outlets and for one laparoscope outlets.
This can be hand or foor operated.
A bipolar output power profile that providea good resolution to permit changes in power levels for delicate work, yet has sufficient maximum output power capability to satisfy the requirements of the more demading procedures.
Spray coagulation provides the trans urethal resection (TUR) and endoscopic procedures in urology. (300D / 400D)
Acessibility to parts and ease of maintenance that is unsurpassed.