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Contact Supplieriranian saffron is a type of herbs that is used in medical tasks and cooking.saffron is a type of herb that is used in medical tasks.for purifying blood,reducing stomachache and so is used in cooking to make your meal well-colored and tasty.
some of the benefits are:-it strengthens the heart and the nervoussystem and reverses the effects of brain degeneration due to alcohol is good for treatment of measles and is used for treating the bladder, kidneyand liver disorders. it also alleviates the side effects of chemotherapy. saffronhelps digestion and increases appetite, its good for stomach ailments andhelps to cure cough, cold, asthma, flu-like infections too. saffron isconsidered to have an aphrodisiac property. rubbing gums with saffron threadsis said to reduce soreness and inflammation. crush a few threads of saffroninto a powder and use your index finger to massage gently into your gums. itregulates menstruation and relieves nosebleed, fatigue and exhaustion. forappetite loss, having saffron ginger tonic is best .it also helps cure insomniaas it is a mild sedative.
ways to have it:- add saffron to your vegetables, rice(biryani), yoghurt, milk. it is a prime ingredient in the popular iranian saffron.
precautions:- this is a heat-inducing spice so its besthad in winter, not summer. pregnant women are advised not to have saffron as it may induceabortion .it is also best avoided when breast feeding. large doses of saffrondamage kidneys and the nervous system.