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    Inconel 800/H/HT

    • Incoloy Alloy 800 / 800H/ 800HT BarAMS 5766, ASTM B 408, ASME SB 408, ISO 9723, BS 3076NA15, DIN 17460, EN 10095
    • Incoloy Alloy 800 / 800H/ 800HT ForgingsAMS 5766, ASTM B564, ASME SB 564, ASME Code Case 1949, ISO 9725, DIN 17460
    • Incoloy Alloy 800 / 800H/ 800HT AllCoASME Code Case 1325, SEW 470, VdTUV 412 and 434, Incoloy 800
    • Incoloy Alloy 800 / 800H/ 800HT TubeASTM B 163, ASME SB 163 (Seamless Condenser & Heat Exchanger Tubes), ASTM B 407/B 829, ASME SB 407/SB 829 (Seamless Tube), ASTM B 515/B 751, ASME SB 515/SB 751 (Welded Tubes), BS 3074NA15
    • Supply TypeManufacturer, Exporter, Supplier, Retailer
    • Preferred Buyer Location India, Kuwait, Oman, Saudi Ara bia, Turkey
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    • calendar Member Since 16 Years
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    • gst icon GST No. 27ACUPC0475F1ZK

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    • Incoloy Alloy 800 / 800H/ 800HT PlateAMS 5871, ASTM A 240/A 480, ASME SA 240/SA 480, ASTM B 409/B 906, ASME SB 409/SB 906, BS 3072NA15, DIN 17460, EN 10028-7, EN 10095
    • Incoloy Alloy 800 / 800H/ 800HT TubeASTM B 163, ASME SB 163 (Seamless Condenser & Heat Exchanger Tubes), ASTM B 407/B 829, ASME SB 407/SB 829 (Seamless Tube), ASTM B 515/B 751, ASME SB 515/SB 751 (Welded Tubes), BS 3074NA15
    • Incoloy Alloy 800 / 800H/ 800HT RodASTM B 408, ASME SB 408, ISO 9723, BS 3076NA15, DIN 17460, EN 10095
    • Incoloy Alloy 800 / 800H/ 800HT OtherASTM B 366, ASME SB 366 (Fittings) - ASME Code Cases N201 & N254 (All products for nuclear construction), ISO 4955A (General), NACE MR-01-75, AFNOR Z5 NC 35-20, Werkstoff Nr 1.4876
    • Incoloy Alloy 800 / 800H/ 800HT StripAMS 5871, ASTM A 240/A 480, ASME SA 240/SA 480, ASTM B 409/B 906, ASME SB 409/SB 906, BS 3073NA15, DIN 17460, EN 10028-7, EN 10095
    • Incoloy Alloy 800 / 800H/ 800HT WireISO 9724, BS 3075NA15
    • Incoloy Alloy 800 / 800H/ 800HT SheetAMS 5871, ASTM A 240/A 480, ASME SA 240/SA 480, ASTM B 409/B 906, ASME SB 409/SB 906, BS 3072NA15, DIN 17460, EN 10028-7, EN 10095
    • Incoloy Alloy 800 / 800H/ 800HT AllCoASME Code Case 1325, SEW 470, VdTUV 412 and 434, Incoloy 800
    • Incoloy Alloy 800 / 800H/ 800HT BarAMS 5766, ASTM B 408, ASME SB 408, ISO 9723, BS 3076NA15, DIN 17460, EN 10095
    • Incoloy Alloy 800 / 800H/ 800HT ForgingsAMS 5766, ASTM B564, ASME SB 564, ASME Code Case 1949, ISO 9725, DIN 17460
    • Incoloy Alloy 800 / 800H/ 800HT PipeASTM B 407/B 829, ASME SB 407/SB 829 (Seamless Pipe), BS 3074NA15 (Seamless Pipe), DIN 17459

    At Harsh Steel Nickel 800 is available in Incoloy Alloy 800 / 800H/ 800HT wire, Incoloy Alloy 800 / 800H/ 800HT Round bar, Incoloy Alloy 800 / 800H/ 800HT Forged bar, Incoloy Alloy 800 / 800H/ 800HT hex bar, Incoloy Alloy 800 / 800H/ 800HT Flat bar, Incoloy Alloy 800 / 800H/ 800HT Circles, Incoloy Alloy 800 / 800H/ 800HT Ring, Incoloy Alloy 800 / 800H/ 800HT Tube, Incoloy Alloy 800 / 800H/ 800HT seamless Pipe, Incoloy Alloy 800 / 800H/ 800HT Welded / ERW Pipe, Incoloy Alloy 800 / 800H/ 800HT Sheet, Incoloy Alloy 800 / 800H/ 800HT Plate, Incoloy Alloy 800 / 800H/ 800HT Coil, Incoloy Alloy 800 / 800H/ 800HT Flanges, Incoloy Alloy 800 / 800H/ 800HT fasteners, Incoloy Alloy 800 / 800H/ 800HT Socket weld Fittings, Incoloy Alloy 800 / 800H/ 800HTferrule fittings, Incoloy Alloy 800 / 800H/ 800HT Buttweld fittings Like cap, elbow, tee, Reducer.
    Incoloy 800, 800h, and 800ht are nickel-iron-chromium alloys with great quality and incredible resistance to oxidation and carburization in high-temperature presentation. These nickel steel alloys are identical with the exception of the more elevated amount of carbon in composite 800h, and the expansion of up to 1.20 percent aluminum and titanium in compound 800ht. Incoloy 800 was the first of these alloy and it was somewhat altered into Incoloy 800h. This adjustment was to control carbon (.05-.10%) and grain size to advance anxiety burst properties. Incoloy 800ht has further alterations to the joined titanium and aluminum levels (.85-1.20%) to guarantee ideal high temperature properties.the nickel compound is double confirmed (800h/HT) and joins together the properties of both forms. incoloy 800h/HT alloy was proposed for high temperature structural applications. The nickel substance makes the alloy very impervious to both chloride stress-consumption breaking and to embrittlement from precipitation of sigma stage. The general corrosion resistance is superb. In the result tempered condition, alloys 800h and 800ht have unrivaled crawl and anxiety break properties. Today, most suppliers, including Harsh steel, just convey the dual certified 800h/HT compound.
    Incoloy 800 is principally utilized within applications with temperatures up to 1100° F, where alloys 800h and 800ht are ordinarily utilized as a part of temperatures above 1100° F where resistance to crawl and burst is needed. The compound equalization permits the nickel steel alloy to show fabulous resistance to carburization, oxidation and nitriding climates. Incoloy 800ht won't get to be embrittled much after long times of use in the 1200-1600° F range where numerous stainless steels get to be fragile.Excellent cold structuring qualities ordinarily connected with the nickel-chromium alloys are displayed with 800ht. At the point when frosty framed widely the grain size delivers an obviously undulated surface called "orange peel". Incoloy 800ht could be welded by the regular methods utilized on stainless steels.
    In what forms is Incoloy® 800H/HT available at Harsh Steel?

    • Incoloy Alloy 800 / 800H/ 800HT Sheet
    • Incoloy Alloy 800 / 800H/ 800HT Plate
    • Incoloy Alloy 800 / 800H/ 800HT Bar
    • Incoloy Alloy 800 / 800H/ 800HT Pipe & Tube (welded & seamless)
    • Incoloy Alloy 800 / 800H/ 800HT Fittings (i.e. flanges, slip-ons, blinds, weld-necks, lapjoints, long welding necks, socket welds,elbows, tees, stub-ends, returns, caps, crosses, reducers, and pipe nipples)
    • Incoloy Alloy 800 / 800H/ 800HT Wire

    What are the characteristics of Incoloy 800H/HT?

    • High temperature strength
    • High creep rupture strength
    • Resistant to oxidation and carburization in high temperature environments
    • Good corrosion resistance in many acidic environments
    • Good resistance to many sulfur-containing atmospheres

    Alloy 800 - The 800 series of alloy (Incoloy 800, 800H and 800HT) are nickel-iron-chromium superalloys that have excellent properties of high temperature strength and resistance to oxidation, carburization and other types of high temperature corrosion. Alloy 800, 800H and 800HT are used in various applications from furnace components, petrochemical furnace cracker tubes to sheathing for electrical heating elements.

    • Alloy 800 - UNS N08800
    • Alloy 800H - UNS N08810
    • Alloy 800HT - UNS N08811

    Stock Availability Of Contact Sales

    Alloy NameTrade NameUNS No.British SpecsAmerican SpecsGerman Specs
    Alloy 800Alloy 800HAlloy 800HT(Welding)Incoloy 800
    Incoloy 800H
    Incoloy 800HT
    BS 3072
    BS 3073
    BS 3074
    BS 3075
    BS 3076
    AMS 5766 Bar and Forgings
    AMS 5871 Sheet, Strip and Plate
    ASTM B408
    ASTM B564
    ASTM A240
    ASTM A480
    Werkstoff 1.4876
    Werkstoff 1.4958
    Werkstoff 1.4959

    Technical Data Sheet

    Chemical Composition Limits
    Alloy 80030-3519-2339.5 min0.10 max0.15-0.600.15-0.600.30-1.20
    Alloy 800H30-3519-2339.50.05-0.100.15-0.600.15-0.600.30-1.20
    Alloy 800HT30-3519-2339.50.06-0.100.25-0.600.25-0.600.85-1.20
    ASTM Grain Size - Alloy 800 is not specified, Alloy 800H is 5 or coarser, Alloy 800HT is 5 or coarser.

    Typical Mechanical Properties

    MaterialTempHardnes BHNTensile Strength MPaYield Strength (0.2% Offset)
    Incoloy Alloy 800 / 800H/ 800HT802712677.853621.7150
    Incoloy Alloy 800 / 800H/ 800HT800425 67.546518.8130
    Incoloy Alloy 800 / 800H/ 800HT10005409062.74321390
    Incoloy Alloy 800 / 800H/ 800HT12006508454.837813.593
    Incoloy Alloy 800 / 800H/ 800HT13007058247.732915.8109
    Incoloy Alloy 800 / 800H/ 800HT14007607434.223613.190
    Alloy 800HT is a Trademark of Special Metals Corporation
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