Measures Humidity, Temperature and Calculates Dew Frost Point Range of Application : 0...100%rh -50...100テモテつコC Standard Scaling : 0...1 V = 0...100%rh -40...60テモテつコC Saves up to 2,000 measurement pairs Use as simulator for system validation Probe with Adjustment Profile テδ「テッツソツステッツソツスStandardテδ「テッツソツステッツソツス Factory Adjustment Certificate Adjusted at 23テモテつーC and 10,35,80%rh UART Interface and freely scalable analog signals 0...1 V Accuracy テモテつア1%rhテモテつア0.2k,Supply 15テδ「テッツソツステつヲ40 VDC or 12テδ「テッツソツステつヲ28 VAC