Slurry-spraying granulation technology, well formed granular, easy to use and suitable for various crops.
Complete range of nutrients, inorganic, organic and trace elements.
Food safe, Non-toxic, free of worm eggs and germs, heavy metal content is far below the national allowed standard.
Amino acid can promote the crops growth and enhance the capability of resistance to drought, cold, lodging, saline and alkaline, make the vegetables and fruits have more beautiful appearance and good tastes.
Organic matter can improve the soil conditions, break the soil harden and increase the water retention capacity
Humic acid can retain water to preserve soil moisture ability, promote the NPK efficacy and stimulate the root growth, at the same time decrease occurrence of blight, root rot and club diseases, etc.
The rich contained NPK and trace elements can help plants have a healthy growth and quality yield, it reduce the pesticide using at the same time.
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