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    Human T3 Hormone Biodetect Elisa Kit, Certification : ISO 9001:2008 Certified

    ₹ 1,900 / box
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    • CertificationISO 9001:2008 Certified
    • Packaging TypePaper Boxes, Plastic Packets
    • Shelf Life1 Yr
    • FeatureEast To Operate, Longer Shelf Life, Washes Flat
    • Supply TypeManufacturer, Exporter, Supplier, Retailer, Distributor, Importer, Trader
    • Preferred Buyer Location All over the world
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    location Ajmer Jaipur Expressway, Jaipur, Rajasthan
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    • calendar Member Since 8 Years
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    • gst icon GST No. 08AAECR4942D1ZG

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    • CertificationISO 9001:2008 Certified
    • Shelf Life1 Yr
    • FeatureEast To Operate, Longer Shelf Life, Washes Flat
    • Quantity5x96 Tests
    • Packaging TypePaper Boxes, Plastic Packets
    • Assay Time0-40 Minutes, 40-80 Minutes
    • Specificity100%
    • Detecting TargetProlactin
    • Country of OriginIndia

    What Is a T3 Test?

    • Your thyroid gland is situated in the neck just below the Adam’s apple. The thyroid creates proteins and controls how your body uses energy and your body’s sensitivity to other hormones. Your thyroid produces triiodothyronine, a hormone known as T3. T3, along with T4 (which is also produced in the thyroid), regulates your body’s temperature, metabolism, and heart rate.
    • Most of the T3 in your body binds to protein. The T3 that does not do so is called free T3, and circulates unbound in your blood. The most common kind of T3 test, known as the T3 total test, measures both kinds of T3 in your blood.
    • By measuring the T3 in your blood, your doctor may be able to determine if you have a thyroid problem.Why Doctors Perform T3 Tests

    Your doctor will typically order a T3 test if he or she suspects a problem with your thyroid. These potential disorders include

    • Hyperthyroidism (when your thyroid produces too much thyroid hormone)
    • Hypopituitarism (when the pituitary gland doesn’t produce normal amounts of pituitary hormones)
    • Primary or secondary hypothyroidism (when the thyroid doesn’t produce normal amounts of thyroid hormones)
    • Thyrotoxic periodic paralysis (a disorder that occurs when your thyroid produces high levels of thyroid hormones, which results in muscle weakness)

    Your thyroid and the hormones it releases affect much of your body’s function. This means that a thyroid disorder can cause a wide range of symptoms. For example, you might experience mental issues such as anxiety, or physical problems such as constipation and menstrual irregularity.
    Other possible symptoms include

    • Weakness and fatigue
    • Difficulty sleeping
    • Increased sensitivity to heat or cold
    • Weight loss or gain
    • Dry or puffy skin
    • Dry, irritated, puffy, and/or bulging eyes
    • Hair loss
    • Hand tremors
    • Increased heart rate

    If you already have confirmation of a thyroid problem, your doctor might choose to order this test to see whether there have been any changes in your condition.
    Sometimes, your doctor might also order a T4 test and/or a TSH test. T4, or thyroxine, is another hormone produced by your thyroid. TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) is the hormone that stimulates your thyroid to produce T3 and T4. Testing the levels of either or both of these other hormones can help give your doctor a more complete picture of what’s going on.
    Preparing for the T3 Test
    Tell your doctor about all of the medications you are currently taking. Some might affect your T3 test results. If your doctor knows about your medications in advance, he or she can advise you to temporarily stop using them or will consider their effect when interpreting your results.
    Medications that can affect your T3 levels include, but are not limited to

    • Thyroid-related drugs
    • Steroids
    • Birth control pills and other medications containing hormones such as androgens and estrogens

    The T3 Test

    • The T3 test simply involves having your blood drawn. The blood will then be tested in a laboratory.
    • Your T3 test results will be measured in mcg/dL, which means micrograms per deciliter or nanograms per deciliter. One nanogram [ng] = 0.001 mcrogram [mcg]. Typically, results ranging from 100 to 200 ng/dL are normal.
    • A normal T3 test result does not necessarily mean that your thyroid is functioning perfectly. Measuring your T4 and TSH can help your doctor figure out if you have a thyroid problem despite a normal T3 result.

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