major cure of black seed oil/miracle seed ●antiviral activities: black seed & oil has solution to virus infections diseases, ranging from blood infections diseases, hiv and other opportunistic....
●antiviral activities: black seed & oil has solution to virus infections diseases, ranging from blood infections diseases, hiv and other opportunistic infections, black seed/oil is capable in the management and treatment of any viral diseases.
●antibacterial activities: research has shown that black seed & oil has the capacity to terminate any bacterial related diseases, especially the one contacted during sexual intercourse such as gonorrhoea, staphylococcus just to mention but a few.
●infection killer: infections of all types are fought off by the immune system, specifically white blood cells by targeting the immune system directly, black seed & oil helps your body fight off infections from head to toe, this is one major uniqueness property that black seed & oil is known for throughout history and ages, and it stood the test of time to be the most powerful natural remedies to date.
other uses of black seed & oil are as follows; asthma; cancer;
ulcer; arthritis; rheumatism; diabetes; hepatitis b, fibroid; genital warts ,dry cough; hair growth; inflammation of the nose and throat; menstrual pain; chronic typhoid and malaria; insomnia; immune booster.
black seed & oil has no side effect if it is taken moderately, and it is best taken with local raw honey or pap.note: the treatment is for hiv1&2 and not for somebody who is already down with aids. You stand the chances of turning negative early enough if your cd4 count is 400 and