Heavy duty gear pumps (Positive DisplacementRotary Twin gear Pumps) type AERN series pumps are useful for pumping and transfer of all kind of viscous Liquids and petroleum products.Heavy....
Heavy duty gear pumps (Positive DisplacementRotary Twin gear Pumps) type AERN series pumps are useful for pumping and transfer of all kind of viscous Liquids and petroleum products. Heavy duty gear pumps comes in size From 1/2" to 8" NB(Flanged to ASA 150 classes) Heavy duty gear pump has Capacity of: 0.5 to 200 m3/hr, Press up to 12 Kg./cm2 Heavy duty gear pump has Viscocity up to 1,00,000 -cst, Temperature up to 110° C
Technical Specification (Heavy Duty Gear Pumps)
Heavy duty gear pump design for continuous application
Herrigebone rotor design eliminate side thrust
Modified tooth profile enhances tooth life.
Floating gear-design ensures uniform load distribution .
Low-leakage path by design improve volumetric efficiency.