Tension winding arrangement by set of rollers for tight winding.
Electro Magnetic / Pneumatic Brakes.
Coil Hold-down (Hydraulic / Pneumatic) for Springy materials.
Jaw Expansion by Hydraulics.
Coilers with Shafting & Key to load Bobbin.
Special Purpose Winding Machine.
Centrally Expandable Jaws.
All Jaws have fully covered drum for best stability.
Pneumatically operated hold-down with potentiometer for speed variation & holding the coil with varying pressure with hand-lever.
Mandrel rotating on bearings.
Precision Tension Coiler & Winders for Strip Casting & Rolling Mills
The Spindle would be driven by D.C. Variable Drive with gear-reducer & brake mechanism. D.C. Drive is in constant tension. Speed reduces automatically with diameter build-up for tight winding.
The Control Panel would have following standard parameters ;
Forward / Reverse Selector.
Start / Stop Button.
Emergency Shut Off & Hold-down.
Speed / Tension Selector.
In-built Transformer.
Potentiometer to set the Tension manually.
Hand-Lever operation for low tension in starting high tension in working.