Jaypee Cement (PPC) is a market leader among all blended/composite cements in the markets of U.P, Bihar, M.P., Punjab, Haryana, Delhi & Nepal. Its unique design and blend, with high strength clinker and superior quality flyash has made it the popular cement for construction of large number of strong and durable structures in these states.
Fine particles of Jaypee Cement (PPC) when mixed with water readily form a smooth paste, which results in a smooth surface. When used with sand and aggregates it yields a very strong & durable concrete.
Jaypee Cement (PPC) helps to produce more cohesive concrete and mortar which is also less prone to segregation and bleeding. Due to this quality, Jaypee Cement (PPC) is suitable for any type of structural application. *(Curing is done as per specified norms)
Use of superior quality flyash in Jaypee Cement (PPC) not only reduces the incidence of lime leaching from concrete and mortar but also results in refined pore structure, reduced permeability and long term strength gain. These attributes make the construction strong, compact, impermeable and resistant to chemical attacks.
Jaypee Cement (PPC) is being used for a number of applications like housing, commercial complexes, roads, wells, canals, dams etc. which establishes Jaypee Cement (PPC) as the preferred choice of the discerning customer. It is particularly well suited for the tropical climatic conditions of India.
History of Cement :
Manufacture of cement has a history, which traces back to millennia. The Romans who were prolific builders used burnt calcareous (calcium bearing) rocks along with pozzolanic materials in an era Before Christ. The structures built by them, like the Pantheon, are still there for us to see proving the goodness of cementitious materials as input material for construction.Post industrialization and as infrastructure development started globally, demands for cement have been growing steadily both quantitatively & qualitatively.
India is the second largest cement producer in the world after China and cement consumption has been growing at a CAGR of over 8% p.a. in the last five years.
The group cement facilities are located in the Satna cluster, which has one of the highest cement production growth rates in India.
Manufacturing Process :
Mining - The cement manufacturing process starts from the mining of limestone, which is the main raw material for making cement. Limestone is excavated from open cast mines after drilling and blasting and loaded on to dumpers which transport the material and unload into hoppers of the limestone crushers.
Crushing Stacking & Reclaiming of Limestone - The LS Crushers crush the limestone to minus 80 mm size and discharge the material onto a belt conveyor which takes it to the stacker via the Bulk material analyser. The material is stacked in longitudinal stockpiles. Limestone is extracted transversely from the stockpiles by the reclaimers and conveyed to the Raw Mill hoppers for grinding of raw meal.
Crushing Stacking & Reclaiming of Coal - The process of making cement clinker requires heat. Coal is used as the fuel for providing heat. Raw Coal received from the collieries is stored in a coal yard. Raw Coal is dropped on a belt conveyor from a hopper and is taken to and crushed in a crusher. Crushed coal discharged from the Coal Crusher is stored in a longitudinal stockpile from where it is reclaimed by a reclaimer and taken to the coal mill hoppers for grinding of fine coal.
Raw Meal Drying/Grinding & Homogenisation - Reclaimed limestone along with some laterite stored in their respective hoppers is fed to the Raw Mill for fine grinding. The hot gasses coming from the clinkerisation section are used in the raw mill for drying and transport of the ground raw meal to the Electrostatic Precipitator / Bag House, where it is collected and then stored and homogenised in the concrete silo. Raw Meal extracted from the silo (now called Kiln feed) is fed to the top of the Preheater for Pyroprocessing.
Clinkerisation - Cement Clinker is made by pyroprocessing of Kiln feed in the preheater and the rotary kiln. Fine coal is fired as fuel to provide the necessary heat in the kiln and the Precalciner located at the bottom of the 5/6 stage preheater. Hot clinker discharged from the Kiln drops on the grate cooler and gets cooled. The cooler discharges the clinker onto the pan / bucket conveyor and it is transported to the clinker stockpiles / silos. The clinker is taken from the stockpile / silo to the ball mill hoppers for cement grinding.
Cement Grinding & Storage - Clinker and Gypsum (for OPC) and also Pozzolana (for PPC) are extracted from their respective hoppers and fed to the Cement Mills. These Ball Mills grind the feed to a fine powder and the Mill discharge is fed to an elevator, which takes the material to a separator, which separates fine product and the coarse. The latter is sent to the mill inlet for regrinding and the fine product is stored in concrete silos.
Packing - Cement extracted from silos is conveyed to the automatic electronic packers where it is packed in 50 Kgs. Polythene bags and dispatched in trucks.
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