Description: The Bali Golden Yellow Belly Damsel Fish also called the Golden Belly Damsel is found off the island of Bali on coral reefs and rubble flats, usually close to the bottom, as it feeds on....
Description: The Bali Golden Yellow Belly Damsel Fish also called the Golden Belly Damsel is found off the island of Bali on coral reefs and rubble flats, usually close to the bottom, as it feeds on zooplankton and other tastey morsals. It is most often observed in pairs or loose groups. With an iridescent metallic blue top half and the bottom half and the tail is bright yellow gold, usually forming a sharp L-shaped color change towards the rear of the fish
Minimum Tank Size: A tank of at least 30 gallons is recommended
Feeding and Diet: These fish are generally not picky eaters. In the aquarium, they will usually feed on flakes and pellets but should also be given fresh or frozen algae and meaty foods like brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, planktons, krill, shrimp, scallop and similar items
Reef Compatibility: Very good reef or community fish