GTA – Mixing Ratio6.5 to 7.5 litre water for 25 kg Material Approx: 25–30% by weight
WorkabilityEasy mixing and Self curing
Wet condition2100 N
Dry Condition2200 N
Dry condition after 14 days19.50 KN
Tensile Adhesion
Testing ParameterSpecification
Coverage for 3 mm bed thickness65–75 Sq – Ft / per 25 kg bag
Multipurpose hi‐polymer modified thin set adhesive
High bond Strength Suitable for exterior application of various tiles & stones
High flexible adhesive
Suitable Substrates:
Cement Plaster
Cement mortar beds
Brick Masonry
Non‐skid adhesive
Water – resistance properties
Batter open time with good workability
Ceramic tile & stone
Cement Terrazzo
Concrete Masonry
Gypsum wall board (Interior application)
25 kg bag and Project Packing of 40 kg bag is available on demand
Available in Grey & White
Shelf Life:
Factory sealed bags are best before 12 months from the date of manufacturing in unopened condition stored in dry area
How to apply:
Add 25 kg of "MYMIX - GTA (Glass Tile Adhesive) to approx. 6.5 ltrs to 7.5 ltrs of cool and clean tap water and stir properly for 5 minutes by hand or an electric stirrer to get a smooth and homogeneous mixture.
After stirring wait for 10 minutes, stir once again and apply the adhesive on the subfloor with 2 mm adhesive notch trowel for glass mosaic
Press the tiles within 15 to 20 minutes with a shuffling movement in to the adhesive. Check properly to ensure that the back of the tile is in full contact with the adhesive. Remove excess adhesive immediately from the joints
The proper preparation of the surface will make the fixing easier and quicker, ensuring a better finish. The surface should be flat with a tolerance of 4mm over a distance of 2 meters. It is essential to waterproof wet areas prior to tiling
New concrete is recommended to be 1 month old for every 25mm thickness and completely dried before tiling
Under normal circumstances, i.e. a temperature of 20°C and a relative humidity of 65%, the joints may be filled after minimum 24 hours
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