Tuflex India offers high performance Geomembrane and other compound used extensively in the construction of waste management landfills and their engineered capping....
Tuflex India offers high performance Geomembrane and other compound used extensively in the construction of waste management landfills and their engineered capping system.
Environmental standards in India recommends HPDE for maximum chemical resistance Geomembrane and other landfill components.
Major Areas
Raw water reservoirs in Thermal Power Plants
Hazardous Waste Landfills
Municipal solid Waste Landfills
Effluent Treatment plants
Reservoirs and canals
Secured Landfill
HDPE Geomembrane are primary liner that hold wastes and control the movement of associated leached and gases in hazardous waste landfills
Highly flexible and impervious
Excellent chemical and biological resistance is ideal for landfills
Used as capping liner to control seepage of rainwater into the landfill
Geomembrane are used as impercious lining for various water management applications, such as:
Raw water reservoirs for thermal plants
Reservoirs for potable water systems
Ponds for amusement parks
Canal linings to reduce seepage
Aqua culture ponds
Linking of rivers
Geomembrane is also used for lining of ash disposal ponds in thermal power plant and other similar applications.
Product Range
Low density Polyethylene (LDPE) Film/Sheet from 100 micron to 500 micron
Low density Polyethylene (LDPE) liners from 750 micron to 1500 micron
High density Polyethylene (HDPE) liners from 500 micron to 1500 micron