2 chambers ; main chamber can house: Push Buttons - 2 nos. ( max.) OR Indicating lamps: 2 nos. max OR meter analog digital - 1 no. with glass cover OR Toggle switches - 2 nos. (10A16A DP) Rotary Switch - 1 no. 1625A, DPTPTPN) OR MCB - 1 no. (1016 A, DPTPN ) Exd_IIB_IP65Exd_IIC_IP65 FPBS-523033 covers ; main chambers - 2 nos. covers can house: Push Buttons - 4 nos. ( max.) OR Indicating lamps: 4 nos.( max) OR meters analog digital - 2 nos. with glass cover OR Toggle switches - 4 nos. (10A16A DP) Rotary Switch - 2 nos. 1625A, DPTPTPN) OR