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    Fire Safety Audit In Kota

    ₹ 25,000 - ₹ 35,000 / piece
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    • Country of OriginIndia
    • ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection AgencyISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory
    • Business TypeService Provider
    • Preferred Buyer Location Anywhere in India

    CIL Provides Accredited Fire Safety Audit Services in Kota, Rajasthan, India. CiL is an ISO 17020 accredited agency for 'fire safety inspection / fire safety audit'. Audits on fire detection and....
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    CIL Provides Accredited Fire Safety Audit Services in Kota, Rajasthan, India. CiL is an ISO 17020 accredited agency for 'fire safety inspection / fire safety audit'.

    Audits on fire detection and protection systems are primarily aimed at ensuring that they work correctly and are suited to the fire hazard.

    A fire safety audit is an examination of the premises and relevant documents to ascertain how the premises are being managed with regards to fire safety. Fire safety audit is an effective tool for assessing fire safety standards of an organization or occupancy. Our comprehensive fire safety audit addresses the inherent fire hazards associated with the day to day activities in an occupancy and recommend measures to reduce the potential fire hazards.

    Our fire safety inspection helps to ensure that the owners and occupiers of buildings are meeting their responsibilities under the legislation, that buildings are fitted with correct fire safety installations required by the fire safety standard, and that these fire safety installations are maintained in an operational condition. ).

    Based on the site surveys, we analyse the fire risk by zone and the compliance of the fire safety systems with regulatory requirements and the demands of the company and/or insurer:

    ·         Classification of the activities and fire risks.

    ·         Definition of the protection required by the rules in force.

    ·         Listing of the discrepancies between the existing systems and the applicable rules.

     Fire is a serious threat to workplace safety, owing to the number of people and flammable materials that may be present at a worksite or place of business. Not only this, but fire can severely impact business operations and threaten the livelihoods of hundreds of workers, should the damage be so extensive as to decimate a workplace and put a company out of business. For these reasons, India has stringent fire safety standards and regulations to guide and safeguard Indian businesses and workers.

    fire safety planning regulations and requirements

    To comply with these fire safety standards and regulations, SafeWork requires persons conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) to ensure that their workplace has adequate plans and procedures in place for responding to emergencies.

    These emergency plans and procedures need to be based on a practical assessment of hazards associated with the individual workplace (site or building) or the work activities undertaken by the business, giving particular consideration to potential risks and consequences of emergencies that may occur in relation to those hazards. This includes:

    implementing proper fire safety practices,

    providing workers with thorough fire safety and evacuation training,

    undertaking regular maintenance of fire safety equipment,

    regularly reviewing safety procedures to ensure they are adequate and up-to-date, and

    performing periodical fire safety audits to ascertain whether fire safety practices, plans and equipment are sufficient to meet the current needs of the building or site.

    Fire Safety Standards 

    A variety of legislation, regulations, standards and codes determine the necessary design, installation and performance level, and the requirements for inspection, testing and preventative maintenance of a facility’s fire protection systems and equipment.

    In order to comply with relevant legislation and regulations, building owners and the PCBU are required to: have an adequate amount of fire safety and extinguishing equipment of the correct type for their workplace and its particular hazards, regularly and routinely inspect, test, maintain and replace fire safety and extinguishing equipment, ensure there are reliable methods and adequate means of egress from a workplace, i.e., a sufficient number of reliable, unobstructed fire exits, which can be easily and safely accessed.


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