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    Fire Door Inspection As Per IS 3614-1

    ₹ 35,000 - ₹ 45,000 / piece
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    • ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection AgencyISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory
    • Business TypeService Provider
    • Preferred Buyer Location Anywhere in India

    CDG is a leading Organization in India. Steel Plate Doors  a).The door shall be of steel plate not less than 6 mm thick, with stiles and rails ( and muntins where necessary } on each face of the....
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    CDG is a leading Organization in India.

    Steel Plate Doors 

    a).The door shall be of steel plate not less than 6 mm thick, with stiles and rails ( and muntins where necessary } on each face of the plate not less than 100 mm in width and 6 mm thick, riveted together with rivets not less than 8 mm in diameter or welded in accordance with IS : 823-1964^ and spaced not more than 150 mm apart, dividing the door into panels not exceeding 08 m^ each. Except as provided in, the stiles and top and bottom rails shall be set close up to the edge all round the door on both faces making the door not less than 18 mm thick continuously along each edge

    b) steel plate not less than 6 mm thick, stiffened all round one face at the edges with T-bai- not less than ISN'FSO and further divided into panels not exceeding 0"8 ni- each b T-bar of similar section, all riveted or welded as specified.

     Hinged Type Doors 

    •  If the opening exceeds 105 m in width, the door shall be in two leaves, (neither of which shall exceed 1"05 m in width) so constructed that a rebated joint not less than 12 mm wide is formed at the meeting stiles when the door is closed. The door or leaf shall not be subdivided into parts hinged together. 
    •  The door shall be hung on substantial hinges or pivots. There shall be on each leaf a central hinge, or a substantial iron lug or spur which will tie or grip the door to the frame when the door is closed. 
    •  The door shall have bolts at top and bottom ( or if in two leaves there shall be a bolt at the top and bottom of each leaf), and there shall also be a central bolt or latch. 
    •  The bolts and latches shall be so arranged that the door can be opened from either side. Each bolt shall fasten into or engage the frame or a socket to a depth of at least 6 mm. The latch shall engage the frame or a catch to a depth of at least 12 mm. In the case of a door in two leaves the central bolt or latch on one leaf shall fasten into or engage a socket or catch on the other leaf for at least 12 mm depth. 

     Sliding Type Doors 

     The door shall be in one leaf. 

     The door shall be hung from the top by supporting wheels fitted in steel hangers of substantial design, extending at least 400 mm down the door \inless designed with a double strap, in which case the\ need not extend more than 300 mm. Hangers shall be riveted to the door, If the door exceeds ]-5 m in width, not less than three hangers each with a wheel shall be fitted. Supporting wheels and pins shall l)e of steel. It is necessary that wheels of low fiiction type shall be used. 

     The rail upon which the supporting wheels riui shall be a flat bar of steel at least 75 X 16 mm in section; or a rolled steel T-bar at least 75 X 50 X 12 mm in section; ar an angle at least 65 X 65 X 12 in section on which a steel runner bar 16 X 16 mm in section fixed by rivets at 225 mm centres to carry grooved supporting wheels. 

     A frame of steel not less than 6 mm thick at any point for fitting into the opening with bolts or keys not more than 750 mm apart, with at least three on each vertical side, shall be provided. 

    Along the top, the bottom and the side into which the front vertical edge of the door closes, the frame shall be of channel bar at least 35 mm deep, and the door shall house into the frame to this depth. 

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