Certification(FCO) Fertilizer control of India, Sample testing suggested by importer in the country of import
Calcium (CA)0.05
We deal in all varities of Phosphate Rich Organic Manure
Prom granular is government recognized grade, it is Organic fertilizer with phosphorus.
Using prom as a basic fertilizer is beneficial.
Prom contains 10.42% phosphorus, which gets direct to the plant.
In the prom present Phosphorus crops receives till their maturity (Approx 10 Month)
Prom contains CN<20:1 improve relation with carbon and pH level. Modifier soil and provides nutrients to soil.
Maintain productivity of the land fertility as well as harmony between different properties.
Increase in the action of photosynthesis helps growth green leaves of the plant.
Survive the crop in low water level situation and give the power of resistance.
Increase in uniformity of soil. Increase the number of white filaments.
Changes in the chemical properties of soil conditioning (by transfer of soild ion)
Land reform, the movement of air, moisture storage capacity, increasing the health of the original development, task fraught product quality and the development and procurement.
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