Precision Machinists supplies plant to split Oil into Fatty Acid and Glycerine using1. Fat Splitting PlantOil and water are pumped counter currently into the splitting tower under high pressure,....
Precision Machinists supplies plant to split Oil into Fatty Acid and Glycerine using 1. Fat Splitting Plant Oil and water are pumped counter currently into the splitting tower under high pressure, where in splitting takes place. The crude fatty acid and sweet water are then flashed into respective flash tanks and taken to settling tank.
2. Fatty Acid Distillation Plant The crude fatty acid is distilled under high vacuum in a specially designed distillation still with the addition of steam. The vapours are then condensed in a set of surface condenser to get the desired grade of distilled fatty acids.
3. Sweet water Evaporation Plant The sweet water obtained form the splitting plant is treated with chemical to remove impurities and traces of fatty acid. The treated sweet water is evaporated in a double effect or triple effect evaporators to get crude glycerine.
4. Glycerine Distillation and Bleaching Plant The glycerine coming from evaporation plant is given a preliminary treatment for complete neutralisation. The crude glycerine is distilled under high vacuum in a distillation still with addition of stripping steam. The vapours are then condensed in a series of condenser to get desired grade of distilled glycerine. It is then bleached, filtered and sent for storage.