xpendable Thermocouples, TEMPTIP are widely used for molten metal temp measurement in BOF, electric Arc Furnaces, Induction Furnaces. Crucibles & Various types of ladies. This assures rapid and accurate temp measurement within seconds. Range and Specifications: Calibration : Pt / Pt -10% Rh (Type -S), Pt / Pt -13% Rh (Type - R), Pt 30% Rh / Pt 6%(Type - B), conforming to International standard ITPS - 90 / BS 4937 Part - 1. Accuracy of Wires : At Palladium Point - 1554°C; within ± 1.5°C Measuring Time : 3 to 6 seconds Lenghts of Paper Tube : Ranging from 300 mm to 1800 mm.