Europium(III) chloride Chemical compound Europium(III) chloride is an inorganic compound with the formula EuCl₃. The anhydrous compound is a yellow solid. Being hygroscopic it rapidly absorbs water to form a white crystalline hexahydrat
... more Europium(III) chloride Chemical compound Europium(III) chloride is an inorganic compound with the formula EuCl₃. The anhydrous compound is a yellow solid. Being hygroscopic it rapidly absorbs water to form a white crystalline hexahydrate, EuCl₃·6H₂O, which is colourless. The compound is used in research. Formula: EuCl3 Molar mass: 258.32 g/mol Melting point: 632 °C Solubility in other solvents: Soluble Chemical formula: EuCl3 PubChem CID: