These are blank Auto ePass 2003 FIPS USB Tokens used for Storing Any kind of Digital Signature Certificate. || Certification and Compliance: FIPS 140-2 Level 3 Certified, Common Criteria EAL 5+ (chip level), Microsoft WHQL, Linux PCSC-LiteLibCCID, RoHS, Check Point, Entrust Ready, USB, CE, and FCC. || Standards: X.509 v3 Certificate Storage, SSL v3, IPSec, ISO 7816 1-4 8 9 12, CCID. || Cryptographic Algorithms: RSA 5121024RSA 2048 bit, ECDSA 192256 bit, DES3DES, AES 128192256 bit, SHA-1 SHA-256. || Endurance: At least 500,000 writeerase cycles and Data Retention: More than 10 years