Tulsi Paints signature stores is a highly experiential flagship store. The intention is to inspire our consumers to experiment with colours in their homes. We wanted the colour, texture, designs & product choosing to be a joyful experience. There are various sections in the stores where the interior as well as the exterior finishes are displayed in such a way that the customer can visualise the same in their premises to check - how it can affect space, how it can be changed by light, and how it can alter mood. Customers can also visualise their final selections applied in their dream homes to help them select wallpapers, curtains & fabrics.
An Insight Into The World Of Tulsi Paints
“TULSI PAINTS" has clearly demonstrated its commitment to Indian consumers for over 25 years, by offering its wide range of high performing quality products backed by highest level of technology & customer service. The company has been bestowed with special recognition award by Government of India in 2008 by the hands of then Prime Minister at Vigyan Bhavan, Delhi.
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Payment Terms T/TWestern Union
Port of DispatchIndia Bangalore
Delivery Time3 - 10 days
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