Double Groove drum design ensures, Improved neeving, uniform Ming no breakage of rope guide mechanism minimum rope hoisting arid longer life of rope
Totally enclosed hoisting Gearbox
Emergency push button to avoid any mishap because of contactors jam or limit switches failure
150% Torque rating of Hoisting Brake
Fail safe Electra magnetic Brakes
Fuse fittings and over load relays are also for protection of motor
Operating Voltage 110Vj24V optional
Variable Voltage Variable Frequency Drive for fine control - optional Inching control
We also do tailor-made special designs to suit the customer need
Sipm Developed : Special Mechanical
DRUM GRABBER, DRUM TEER to position the drum at any degree of Angle with runway systems with Hoist to Mis. Urethanes India Ltd., a Chemplast Group
Developed Special Rope receiving system to Mis. India Pistons Ltd., and Mis. Rana Brake Linings Ltd., shifting all the mechanisms to Endcarriage from trolley to avoid problem due to fire
Developed sliding mechanism for stirrer machine for SSL TTK
Developed Machine for concrete mixer Shell Track Machining Machine for Mls. Greaves Ltd.
Developed (1500@ Pipes) for Hydrostatic Machine, Extraction Machines and Transfer Trollies for Mis. Suitall Polymers Ltd.
Developed Hand Cranking Mechanism to lift 25000 Kgs Hydro Electric Gate Lifting Mechanism. with friction brake and Ratchet and Pawl Mechanism
Developed a special Goods Lift for Mis. Tagros Chemicals Ltd. with 10sq.m. Roomi 5TCapacity
Developed container Handling Crane to Mis. Triway Container Freight Stations (P) Ltd.
We can shoulder to develop and assist in your problem solving techniques - Design & Deyelopment of Special Machinery
Automation for welding Engineering -Rotators. Rotating fixtures, columns and booms and handling
Additional Information
Delivery Time60 Days
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