Educational board game

Listing ID #1214465

  • Supply Type Manufacturer
  • Preferred Buyer Location India only

We are offering educational board game. Here we present our age old noughts and crosses (tic tac toe) game in a new version with a mathematical twist. This game will help practice forming and solving....
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We are offering educational board game. Here we present our age old noughts and crosses (tic tac toe) game in a new version with a mathematical twist. This game will help practice forming and solving mathematical expressions and bodmas rule. This board game uses a board with -22 to +22 numbers. Each player plays with 10 coins of one colour. The objective of the game, like noughts and crosses, is to make a line of 3 coins of the same colour. The line can be vertical, horizontal or diagonal. To play one casts three dice. Using these three numbers thus obtained one has to form a mathematical expression using any operations and solve to get a number where you keep your coin. But you will have to use a lot of strategy and number manipulations to place coins such that you make your lines and at the same time obstruct the opponent. The game presents a fair challenge to the brain and thus is enjoyed by the old and young alike.
Suitable for age group 11+ for children of 6-7-8th standard

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