Two independent working spindles can finish two work-piece at the same time, also cna use two different tools to finish two different designs one by one automaticaly.
Special Vacuum system with: vacuum table with movable suction block, vacuum pump and tubes.
Heavy bistratal side plates, which can keep large supporting power for the gantry''s moving perfectly.
Independently Electric control Box, with perfect wiring nad free moving pulleys.
All axes use original Taiwan Hiwin big size guide rail. X and Y adopts big size rack with helical gear transmission mode, the moment of force will be transfered more powerful and equably.
Adopts gantry movement, that can process any kind of materials freely.
Heavy model with thick seamless steel lath body structure. By strict vibration aging technology to remove the internal stress, dust-free sandblassting paint process, long-term use without deformation.
Every spindle working size cab be up to 1300mm*2500mm.
Excellent compatibility for all G ode design software: .. Advanced file pretreatment function can correct the error in the files and is compatible with the process codes of multiple national and international software
Applicbale Industries :
Wood processing: cutting and carving on any kind of wood for making furniture,such as door,window,cabinet,craft wooden door,chairs and so on.
Also suitable for the guitar, violin and other musical instrument engraving, cutting and milling.
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