We offer deoxidized low residual phosphorous or dlp copper tubes in a wide range of sizes to meet the specific needs of our customers. We can offer dlp copper, copper electrial components in multitude of special shapes as per astm and other specifications. We offers copper electrical components, copper cable terminal etc. Product application: electrical components locomotive boilers plumbing cable terminal engineering
Packaging DetailsWe offer a wide range of copper tubes, copper products which reduce heat loss, allow easy expansion and contraction and provide protection against corrosive environments. Our copper tubes, copper tube products are available in a size ranging from 3 mm OD x 0.015 mm wall thickness to 50 mm OD x 2.5 mm wall thickness. The copper tubes are supplied in the annealed form, where each tube is packed in a protective manner for easy handling and distribution. Our copper alloy range includes following types of copper products: