Scope of Supply :Multi-Stage/reciprocating Feed Pump Made Out of SS 316. Stainless Steel Centrifugal Pump for Cooling Water.SS 316 surge tank with float valve and low level controller. SS filter with....
Multi-Stage/reciprocating Feed Pump Made Out of SS 316.
Stainless Steel Centrifugal Pump for Cooling Water.
SS 316 surge tank with float valve and low level controller.
SS filter with SS housing for feed water.
Pressure reducing Valve & Safety Valve for higher capacity.
S.S. 316 Dumping Valve.
Capacity from 80 litres to 3000 litres. Salient Features :
Pure sterile, pyrogen-free distilled water.
Compact space saving design.
High operational reliability.
Meets GMP & FDA norms.
Easy & silent operation.
Excellent energy efficient.
Easy to maintain & operate.
Fully automatic operation.
Absence of rotating parts.
Rapid warm up.
High degree of finish.
Auto dumping of sub-sdandard distillate.
Special Sanitary Fittings. Technical Specifications: Distillate : Meets I.P./B.P. specifications. Temperature : 950C. Conductivity : Less than 1 Microsiemen/cm. Feed Water : De-ionised water with maximum conductivity of 5 Microsiemens/cm. : 1 Kg/cm2 higher than the in-feed steam pressure. Temperature: ambient. Cooling Water : Normal tap water Hardness : less than 90 PPM of CaC03. Temperature. : ambient. Steam : Saturated, dry, free from oil & other impurities. Pressure : minimum 3 Kg/cm2. Electricals : Main supply: A.C. 440V, 3 phase, 50 cycles. max. load-5 KW.