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Contact Suppliernaveenya kaya cleansing detox foot pads naveenya kaya cleansing detox foot pads are foot patches designed to absorb toxins from your body. Developed from years of medical research, this natural home detox is effective in cleansing and detoxifying from the inside out. Detox pads stimulates reflex points in feet promotes a beneficial equilibrium in the corresponding area of the body for example - weight loss, colon cleansing and stress relief. Ingredients: it contains negative ion, vitamin c, cornstarch, bamboo vinegar, tourmaline, and wood vinegar. Health benefits: ⷠenergizes your body to feel lighter and full of life ⷠdispels toxins and maintains beauty ⷠrelaxes muscles ⷠsupports health immune system ⷠreplenishes vital essence and strengthening the kidney ⷠpromotes sleeping and relieve fatigue ⷠbeautifies foot and clear odor ⷠreduces aches, pains, headaches, & tiredness ⷠrelieves stress ⷠimproves your metabolism thus helps in weight loss ⷠimproves your blood circulation directions for use ⷠapply kai american cleansing detox foot patch one hour before bed-time ⷠwash and dry your feet or body part before applying kai american cleansing detox foot patch ⷠtake one adhesive sheet and slowly peel off paper ⷠplace the foot pad on the adhesive where noted to "put adhesive sheet on this side" and place onto the soles of your feet or the desired area of other body part ⷠwear for 8-10 hours then remove pad ⷠwipe surface with wet towel until it�s no longer sticky ⷠused patches will appear dark greenish or grayish as they absorb toxins and waste matter from your body m.r.p.: rs. 999for one box containing 10 foot patches