Features(0-1000V) @ 1mA, continuously adjustable High Voltage output,Indication on 3 1/2 LED DPM,Ripple & noise less than 20mV,Regulation better than 0.05% of full scale Etc.
OUTPUT INDICATIONProvided on a 3 1/2 digit LED, DPM.
Nucleonix offers a standard detector bias unit type hv500 which is a compact standardnim module (two bit). This is designed to meet the full hv bias requirement for a broad range of nuclear radiation detectors like g.m.detectors, ionization chambers, scintillation detectors, photo multiplier tubes, etc,. Apart from this range of applications it also can be used as a high voltage source in areas where high degree of regulation, stability and accuracy are required. Output can be varied by a precision ten turn helipot and output indication is provided on a dpm.