Zero artificial flavors, artificial colors, preservatives or artificial sweeteners (Unflavoured variant). Pure single ingredient - 100% Whey Protein Concentrate (Ultra-filtered premium Whey....
Zero artificial flavors, artificial colors, preservatives or artificial sweeteners (Unflavoured variant).
Pure single ingredient - 100% Whey Protein Concentrate (Ultra-filtered premium Whey protein).
World class quality imported from USA (Davisco is one of the top 5 global whey protein manufacturers).
Instantly soluble.
Fast and easily digesting whey protein (PDCAAS score of this whey protein is perfect 1; its as easy to digest as a Banana or Yoghurt).
Excellent choice for Post workout nutrition to supply protein to muscles immediately.
Excellent post workout recovery (contains hefty 6.9 gm BCAA and 5 gm Glutamine per serving).
100% Gluten free.
100% Aspartame free.
Flavoured variants are 100% Aspartame free
Flavoured variants have added flavour imported from Switzerland, Chocolate powder from Turkey and Sucralose from United Kingdom, thus assuring to deliver our customers with the most premium quality product.