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Contact Supplierexpert starup solution
plan overview
nature of job | offline form filling project |
work type: | only typing work (no calculations) |
software: | provided free by company |
upfront / security fee: | 2.5 lac + taxes (1 time charge) |
payment security: | pdc with agreement |
eligibility: | company or private firm |
duration: | 18 months contract period |
total working days: | 26 working days per month (gadget holiday applicable) |
work flow: | as per center’s requirement/no target |
minimum no. Of slot: | 5 pc’s (1 slot) |
rate per form: | 40 rs per form |
no of fields: | 30 fields |
accuracy : | n.a |
billing cycle: submission : qc report: | monthly bi-weekly (15 days ) 7 working days |
signup: | onsite/online with indian end-client |
training: | provided free |