Rotor BladesSwinging type with knife and impact edge
Salient Features
Versatile machine for particle size reduction and grinding operation Beaters assembly is in a separate pillow blocks for ease in maintenance. Very less down time, as only beaters assembly will have to be reversed (and not the complete chamber) for making it knife to impact forward or vice-versa which can be done by operator.
Swing type beaters assembly is provided as a standard supply which increases the output by 10 to 30% and is easy to clean.
Water jackted chamber is also available of demand.
Beaters are made from HCHC material with hard chrome plating.
Beaters assembly is dynamically balanced which reduces vibration and noise level and increases bearing life.
Castors are provided for mobility and brakes can be applied for fixing machine at one place.
Flame proof electrical can be provided on demand at extra cost
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